How to delete a metric row from a company's metrics table?

Learn about how to delete a metric row from a company's metrics table.


To delete a metric row from a company’s metrics table, you must be a VC admin or VC member with access to the fund your company is assigned to, plus that company is internally managed by you in Rundit.

  • Navigate to the top bar and choose EDIT > Reporting Template - Metrics.
    • Under the Applied to column, you can see whether the metric is applied to all companies or specific companies. 
  • Click the three dots next to a metric and choose DELETE to remove the metric.
  • Click the three dots next to a metric and choose EDIT to remove the metric from only some of the companies. Choose from the dropdown of companies which ones you'd like the metric to be applied to.

If you can’t delete a metric row from the company’s metrics table, please refer to this troubleshooting article or contact support via chat.

Learn more about setting up metrics template for portfolio companies here.