What are the diversity highlight dashboards?

Learn about diversity highlight dashboards.

You will find the diversity highlight dashboards on the Capital Allocation page (APP at the top bar -> Capital Allocation in the left menu).

  • The dashboards display the number of profiles and both total and average invested amount per Gender, Race, Nationality and Education.
  • This information will help you compare the results to the existing situation in the market

The data in Diversity Highlight dashboards come from Founder & Company leadership profiles. Learn how to insert the data in this article: "How to add company founder and management profiles".


Why do we care? Rundit promotes a diverse workplace and believes it is a driving force for real change and real gain. While overall progress on diversity and inclusion has been slow, this is not consistent across all companies. Rundit seeks to capture the current diversity state in the industry and by doing so, we could help our investors explore different insights in D&I and shape the trajectories of embracing diversity.