Invite portfolio company members to claim company profiles

Learn how to invite portfolio companies to claim company profiles, originally created by you

If you have created a managed (private) portfolio company profile, you can invite the company founders or other company members to claim the company profile anytime.

  • Navigate to Companies at the top bar -> Select the company you want to invite -> Settings -tab -> INVITE A COMPANY MEMBER -button.
  • An invitation email will be sent to the company members. They can sign up and claim the company profile through the invitation email. 

Please note: Once you invite the actual portfolio company members to Rundit, you will lose some of the functionalities due to the company user taking over the authority of the company profile.

The functionalities that will be transferred to the companies are:

  • Writing investor reports on behalf of the company
  • Integrating Google sheets to the metrics table
  • Deleting any metrics if they have values or company member has created them
  • Editing company profile information (including company logo)
  • Adding files into the company’s files section (you can still see the files when company has claimed the profile, but you can’t store new ones. Only the company users can).