How to export investment timeline chart

Learn how to export an investment timeline chart

To export a timeline chart, you must be a VC admin or a VC member.

Follow these steps to export portfolio company's chart(s):

  • Navigate to the top bar and select Export data -> Investments timeline chart. From here, you can see the Timeline Chart Setup page.
  • Choose the specific fund and company(s) from which you want to export chart(s).

1. Chart size

Select the size of your chart: small chart or large chart with the pre-set dimensions.

2. Chart type

Depending on what you need, there’re a variety of options for you to customize the timeline chart before exporting: 

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 8.39.26

3. Select Currency

4. Choose display period 

Choose display periods (months/ quarters/ years), number of periods and starting time. 

5. Select investment metrics

Select investment metrics to display. Choose also display type and colours for the data.

6. Preview the chart and generate the export


Pro tip: You can attach these charts to your internal reports or presentations