How do I upload company metrics by integrating a Google Sheet?

How do I integrate my Google Sheet to upload company metrics? 

👉 Watch a tutorial video for integrating Google Sheets here.

  • Navigate to the metrics page
  • Click the “Import from Google Sheets” button below the metrics table.
  • Login to your Google drive and select the correct Google Sheet for the import
    • You don’t have to create a separate Excel Sheet for Rundit - You can choose any already filled Excel Sheet/ multiple Sheets.
    • The dates (eg. Jan 2022, Feb 2022, March 2022...) have to be in the columns and the KPIs in the rows.
    • When selecting the date row number, please make sure that the date columns in the Google Sheet are in an actual date format and ordered chronologically
    • From the dropdown menu choose which cell represents each metric. Note that you can add multiple Google Sheets, for example one sales and one financial.

Make sure your Excel file is converted into a Google Sheet file (Rundit does not read regular Excel files).

  1. Open an Excel file in your drive
  2. At the top, click file -> Save as Google Sheets

Please note:

  • When inserting historic metrics data, use only full values, not abbreviations. For example, don't use 1 K or 1 M, use 1000 or 1000000.
  • Don't write dots or commas in between numbers unless they indicate actual decimals
  • If a metric's unit is a percentage, don't use percentage formatting, just a standard number 5 or 45,45 for example.
  • When importing monthly values, the dates have to be in a date format (when double clicking a date, a small calendar pops up)
  • When aiming to sync both quarters and years, make sure the structure of the date row is this: Q12021, Q2021, Q32021, Q42021, Y2021, Q12022… The reporting periods have to be chronologically in order from left to right.