How can I export Investment data?

Learn how to export investment data of a specific portfolio company or all companies.

To export data of a specific portfolio company, you must be a VC admin or a VC member with access to the fund your company is assigned to. 

  • Navigate to the top bar and select Export data -> All data (.xlsx)
  • From there, you can see the Export Setup page. Then, enter your report name and choose the specific fund and company(s) you want to export data.

Rundit allows you to export data of Company metrics and Reports; Investments and Realizations, and Fund Holdings


To export investment data of a specific portfolio company, tick the box Investments and Realizations:

  • First, choose a Time frame during which your transactions occurred.
  • You can choose to include all transactions or specific types of transactions in the export.
  • Select a currency for the transactions you wish to display in your report - original currency or converted currency.
  • Then, set your currency conversion rules for your report by using the same currency rules as in the platform or the custom settings. For the latter, you can apply the FX rates to specific values in your report, including Portfolio company metrics, Fair value of pending convertible notes, Fair value of equity, and Custom fair value. These setups are only applied to your report without interfering with the currency setups throughout the platform.   

 Learn more about how currency rates work in Rundit here.

  • Finish this step by hitting Export button. Your file will be downloaded in excel file format.